Kaja Clara Joo
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Standpoint Stance Position
2020: Textile prints in steel frame, website
Public intervention
Contemporary torture methods, hours of squatting and standing in painful positions (so-called “stress positions” used by police forces and the military worldwide) are combined in a workout and presented as an aesthetic interactive guide for self- optimisation. Standpunkt, Haltung, Position (=standpoint, stance, position) are being transformed into confrontational terms which on the one hand are used for describing coordinates and orientation, on the other carry potential of political ideology and persecution. The workout was printed out as a manual and put in a steel frame in public spaces. It included all the positions and a QR-Code that lead to the workout website that referenced to the research material and political incidents of the past few years.
2020: Textile prints in steel frame, website
Public intervention
Contemporary torture methods, hours of squatting and standing in painful positions (so-called “stress positions” used by police forces and the military worldwide) are combined in a workout and presented as an aesthetic interactive guide for self- optimisation. Standpunkt, Haltung, Position (=standpoint, stance, position) are being transformed into confrontational terms which on the one hand are used for describing coordinates and orientation, on the other carry potential of political ideology and persecution. The workout was printed out as a manual and put in a steel frame in public spaces. It included all the positions and a QR-Code that lead to the workout website that referenced to the research material and political incidents of the past few years.