Kaja Clara Joo

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Untitled Three

2018: Cyanotype- chemicals, gelatine, MDF- cubes

The windows of the opposite house reflect the morning sun into my tiny, dark room. I recognize several “bodies” in the way the light moves before they all disappear. The followin cubes mark the following preservation steps to give form to these “bodies”: The first cube graphically documents it: I follow the rays of light and mark the course of the sun with graphit pen on three sides of the cube while also notating the time. The second cube is an attempt to use cyanotype chemicals to capture the rays of the sun. Cyanotype chemicals react only with the sun, creating a ble hue. The chemcicals though sank too deeply into the cube and destroyed it from the inside. I am left with a torn, steel-blue body. One might think it got sunburnt skin. The third and final cube is the staging version of a successful experiment. I build a „fake“ window in my studio and installed daylight lamps in front of it. For several hours I exposed the material at night with this fake sun. The outlines of the window are now visible on the cube.